Sunday 3 April 2011

Happy Mother's Day.

This morning I made breakfast at home as I could not face the world of children and crowded cafe's on Mother's Day. I think Borneo was very grateful.  He had a night out with the Boys liberally accompanied by "The Black Fantastic" (Guiness) at rugby in London.

This morning he was a little worse for wear and needed a very slow start to the day which suited me perfectly. I sat spinning at the dining room window, watching the birds in the garden and enjoying the little bits of colour from pansies and tulips we bought last weekend that have survived the onslaught of slugs.

After lunch he had recovered sufficiently to venture out into the big world again. We set off down Chichester way to a little town called Bosham which is simply delightful. We had a quick look around the craft market before walking down to the harbour. On the way we saw this gorgeous pusscat taking his afternoon nap in the middle of the main thoroughfare, oblivious to the stir he was causing.

After paying the suitable homage we left him to his nap and headed into the little tearoom to top up Borneo's levels so he could remain human.  This is from our beautiful window seat where we scoffed lattes and crepes.

When we went back outside again, his lordship had decided to rouse himself and survey his domain and allow adoring passers-by to stroke him.

In South Africa, we have only two seasons summer and winter.  Every year, I fall in love with England again when the spring arrives. We drove down country lanes with daffodils lining the banks.

Across the tidal mudflats next to the road there are more yellow faces in abundance.

The view as we walked along to the harbour wall was just beautiful  with the light reflecting off the water when the sun came out from behind the clouds.

The grape hyacinths are also out adding to the spring fever

and tucked away in a garden, a boat full of pansies.

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